Tegnbeskrivelse for støykalender

Flere aktiviteter i et område

Dagarbeid med moderat støynivå

Nattarbeid med moderat støynivå

Dagarbeid med høyt støynivå

Nattarbeid med høyt støynivå

Map description for noise-calendar

A few parallel activities in an area.

Daytime work with a moderate noise level.

Night work with a moderate noise level.

Daytime work with a high noise level.

Night work with a high noise level.


The map shows a 6-week plan for noise-related activities, providing an overview of locations and timeframes.

  • «Daytime work» indicates activities taking place between 07:00 and 23:00.
  • «Nighttime work» indicates activities taking place between 23:00 and 07:00.
  • Use the panel to the right of the map to open the news portal. Here, you will find updates on activities within the map area.
  • Zoom in to filter news to a specific area, and click on «les/read» to go directly to a specific news article.